GHD Sustainability Monitor 2024: From Ambition to Action
UN research shows 2.2 billion lack safe drinking water and 703 million lack basic water services. This highlights the need for innovative leadership and solutions to tackle these imbalances.
The GHD Sustainability Monitor 2024 examines the global state of corporate sustainability and reveals the disconnect between ambitious targets and what’s getting done. Through the insights of executives, leaders, clients and sustainability advisors, the report points to a way forward to reduce the disconnect between strategy and execution which demands new levels of engagement, collaboration and action.
The scale of sustainability ambition is unnerving for most organisations
Organisations are making bold sustainability ambitions, and the gap between intention and getting things done is clear. Implementing strategies in a way that benefits the planet, people and the bottom line is proving challenging.
79 percent of executives believe that a moderate to significant gap exists between what they are trying to achieve and what’s been implemented. Organisations are less sure of their appetite and capacity to make those big leaps and transformational shifts forward that could drive real meaningful impact
Get guidance on:
The state of corporate sustainability: From 550 executives and 15 industry groups across the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, India, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand.
What’s holding your organisation back: The external and internal factors that are influencing thinking and decision-making.
Learn how executives rank their organisation’s sustainability progress: From laggard, follower, mainstream and pioneer.
Uncover if organisations are on track to meet their goals: Executives rate the status of their current environment, social and governance (ESG) actions.
How to close the gap between ambition and action: Five actionable insights that will expedite your sustainability journey.
GHD Advisory’s global report uncovers the biggest barriers to progress and identifies a path forward to close the gap and expedite meaningful action.
While there is indeed solid progress with sustainability being strategically and commercially valued, it’s evident there are still significant and complex obstacles to overcome if organisations are going to make the herculean shifts needed to make the world sustainable for generations to come. While the challenges are complex, the action forward does not need to be."