Air and Noise

The potential for air quality, odour, and noise impacts resulting from industrial, mining, and infrastructure projects continues to rate amongst the highest concerns for nearby communities.
plane at airport ramp
The potential for air quality, odour, and noise impacts resulting from industrial, mining, and infrastructure projects continues to rate amongst the highest concerns for nearby communities.
industrial smoke

GHD provides practical, science-based air quality, odour and noise management solutions. We consider sustainable practice and legislative demands on air, odour, and noise outcomes to help clients reach targets efficiently.

The right advice in air, odour, and noise can help the environment, improve project success and reduce lifecycle costs.

Our team of industry professionals work collaboratively with clients across the globe and harness the most up-to-date technology in the air, odour and noise management sphere.

Not only do we have the depth of experience required to manage the complex processes surrounding air quality, odour and noise management requirements, we have the broader resources from a wide range of disciplines that can be tapped into at any time in the project lifecycle.

Pollution detector system

Air Quality Management

As urbanisation increases, communities demand heightened air quality. Our team of clear-thinking professionals work collaboratively to harness the most up-to-date technology in air quality management.
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Sound isolation foam

Noise management

As urbanisation becomes more prevalent across the globe, communities demand heightened noise management.
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