For new developments and construction of buildings, GHD's team of specialists provides commissioning services during the planning phase to assist in the design of the building envelope as well as provide computer-assisted simulations of expected hygrothermal conditions.
During construction, our team provides the necessary analysis and direction to assist designers, builders, and property developers in meeting the required performance criteria for the vertical building envelope.
For existing buildings and properties, our experts are typically called on to perform building condition assessments, including conducting the necessary investigations, analysis, technical consultation, and design for the resolution of problems relating to the performance of the vertical building envelope (façades and fenestration), roofing systems, waterproofing systems, and multilevel parking garage structures.
GHD's team of building science and forensic specialists has extensive experience in major projects providing a full range of engineering, scientific testing and quality control services to respond to the growing needs of building owners and managers, the insurance industry, builders and developers, government organizations, building design professionals, and the legal community. We specialize in determining the cause and origin of water damage and resulting microbial growth. Our team of industrial hygienists, engineers, and building scientists are highly experienced in locating potential sources of water intrusion, identifying and quantifying microbial growth, evaluating structural and indoor air quality concerns, developing remediation plans, working with contractors to ensure that remediation is properly planned and conducted including verification sampling/assessment, and certification.
Our services include