Alice Springs CBD - GHD Design hero

Revitalising Alice Springs CBD

Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia

Client: Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL)

Sectors: Precincts and Places

Transforming Alice Springs CBD into a greener, cooler and vibrant space for the community.

At a glance

Transforming Alice Springs CBD into a greener, cooler and vibrant space for the community.

The challenge
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Develop urban strategies for the heart of Alice Springs CBD to promote community use.
Our response
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Following our feasibility and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) review, we designed major works packages with different focus points to revitalise the CBD. Our design includes:

  • Shade structures to provide cooling in streets identified as hot areas
  • Ample seating for break zones
  • Cooling using water misters and separate water bubblers for people and their dogs
  • USB charging points and free Wi-Fi during the day
  • Lighting design, providing well-lit spaces after dark, aimed for improved safety throughout the CBD
  • Planting of native trees along three main streets in collaboration with Clouston NT, contributing to cooling, air quality and sustainability. 

Essential aspects of our design also include improved wayfinding signage for tourist and community walking routes, CCTV coverage zones and traffic-calming strategies.

The impact

The project invites a diverse range of community use, creating 'eyes on the street' to deter antisocial behaviour. Alice Springs CBD is transformed into a cooler, more comfortable and enjoyable place to be in, while also helping to reduce crime and improve safety for the community.

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Alice Springs is a beautiful town and this project brings much-needed shade to its hottest streets. It enhances pedestrian-friendly pathways and is a key step in revitalising the heart of Alice Springs. CBD streetscapes are often congested and complex, but by drawing inspiration from the iconic landscape, we shaped a design that not only offers protection and shade but also contributes to a resilient community space.
Luke Ingrames, Senior Architect, GHD Design

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