Integrated Water Management

Water industry leaders across the globe are realising that to optimise water supply, water quality, flood protection, and sustainability, a more holistic approach to water management is required.
Freizeitpark Rheinaue

Integrated water management (IWM or One Water) is the process of creating holistic strategies to address impacts of climate change, urbanisation and other water challenges at the regional and local level, with the ability to scale from buildings to entire catchments.

Water industry leaders across the globe are realising that to optimise water supply, water quality, flood protection, and sustainability, a more holistic approach to water management is required.

GHD is a leader in helping clients implement innovative solutions to their water challenges. Our breadth of demonstrated experience across the water cycle helps our clients pursue regenerative water services that will achieve their One Water goals. This includes multi-disciplinary technical services as well as collaborative planning that brings multiple partners together to agree on best practices for a given location.

Our collaborative approach draws on the full range of technical services at GHD to deliver integrated and holistic solutions across all facets of the urban, rural and environmental water cycle. Our services extend to urban planning and the future of cities - urban greening and cooling, climate adaptation and resilience, smart connected infrastructure, and the water-energy-food nexus. With strong research connections, we remain at the leading edge of these fields.

GHD's services include integrated strategy, planning, modelling and design, as well as a range of government and business advisory services, including research, policy, guidelines, and business case development.
