GHD Awards

Through the years, GHD has received recognition for our performance and contributions in the global markets of water, energy and resources, environment, property and buildings, and transportation.
We’re both proud and humbled that clients and industry alike have recognised our commitment to excellence.
We’re both proud and humbled that clients and industry alike have recognised our commitment to excellence.

Featured awards


GHD awards and rankings


Top 100 Global Environmental & Sustainability Consultancy Firm Rankings - Environment Analyst - #14 in Top 100 Global Environmental & Sustainability Consultancy Firm Rankings

Building Design World Architecture 2024 Survey (GHD Design) - #42 overall, #1 largest practice in Australasia by revenue, #5 by revenue from government projects

Engineering News-Record (ENR) Top 500 Design Firms - #27 overall, #17 among pure designers, #12 in designers working in international markets, #13 in sewer and waste, #13 in water, #10 in hazardous waste


Engineering News-Record (ENR) Top 150 Global Design Firms survey - #26 overall, #9 in international firms operating in the US, #8 in Canada, #7 in water, #4 in sewer/waste, #6 in hazardous waste

Engineering News-Record (ENR) Top 200 Environmental Firms - #25 overall, 12 in Hazardous Waste, #20 in Water Treatment/Supply, #10 in Environmental Science, #9 in Consulting/Studies, #12 in Firms working in non-US locations


Engineering News-Record (ENR) Top 150 Global Design Firms - #29 overall, #8 in water, #6 in sewer/waste, #5 in hazardous waste

Engineering News-Record (ENR) Top 200 Environmental Firms - #26 overall, #12 in hazardous waste, #10 in environmental science, #10 in consulting/studies, #13 in firms working outside the U.S

Engineering News-Record (ENR) Top 500 Design Firms - #28 overall, #11 in hazardous waste, #13 in water, #13 in sewer/waste, #12 in designers in international markets, #17 amongst pure designers

Building Design World Architecture 2023 Survey (GHD Design) - #1 largest practice in Australasia by revenue, #4 by revenue from government projects, #6 in elderly living, #52 largest practice


Building Design World Architecture 2021 survey - #48/100 largest architectural practices globally, #5 in Landcape architecture globally, #2 Largest practise in Australisa by revenue, #9 Largest practice in Middle East by revenue

GHD is committed to creating an inclusive and diverse work culture

  • Top 100 Diversity Employer (Canada)
  • Disability Equality Index – Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion 2023 (USA)
  • WGEA Employer of Choice for Gender Equality 2022-2024 (Australia)
  • Best Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Future Workplace Awards 2023 (Middle East)
  • CoreNet Global Australia REawards - Diversity & Inclusion Excellence 2023 (Australia)
  • Tasmanian Government’s Employers of Choice 2023 (Australia)
  • Inclusion & Diversity: A Culture of Belonging Where Everyone Can Thrive - Award of Excellence - Community outreach and in-house initiatives category, Consulting Engineers of Alberta Showcase Awards (Canada)

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