Jackson Place Remediation - Hero

Jackson Place – embracing sustainable remediation 

Wolli Creek, New South Wales, Australia

Client: Transport for NSW

Sectors: Precincts and Places

Transforming Jackson Place from a contaminated site into a resilient, sustainable community space that enhances Sydney's green corridor.

At a glance

Transforming Jackson Place from a contaminated site into a resilient, sustainable community space that enhances Sydney's green corridor.

The challenge
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To remediate a historically contaminated landfill site within a sensitive, constrained area while balancing environmental protection, community safety and sustainability.
Our response
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Jackson Place is a 1.8-hectare site adjacent to Wolli Creek, one of the major urban watercourses running through inner Sydney. This project is more than just land remediation, it is about creating a resilient community space that thrives within Sydney's essential green corridor. Historically, Jackson Place was used as an illegal landfill from the early 1900s - 1970s. The site was never formally rehabilitated, burdening it with contamination and neglect.
With a focus on sustainability, we implemented a remediation strategy that not only delivers safety for the environment and nearby residents, but also fosters long-term ecological health. 

Our approach minimises greenhouse gas emissions, preserves native trees and protects crucial habitats for pollinators. By regrading, capping and thoughtfully landscaping the area, we safeguard the adjacent coastal wetland and reduce ongoing maintenance needs. The design also includes measures to stabilise the toe of the landfill thereby minimising ongoing damage to the adjacent coastal wetland.
The impact
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Through embracing sustainable remediation, Jackson Place is now a vibrant, public green corridor that exemplifies what can be achieved when sustainability drives design. This project has transformed the site into a resilient natural space that not only delivers safety for the environment and nearby residents, but also fosters long-term ecological health. This makes Jackson Place a model for teaching future generations about the importance of environmental restoration and the value of sustainable urban spaces.

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Jackson Place Remediation - Gallery Landscape
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Wolli Creek Regional Park is recognised as one of the last areas of substantial bushland in Sydney’s inner south-west. Legacies of human activity from former landfill activities and neglect led to the unfortunate environmental degradation of the site. The landscape restoration design undertaken at Jackson Place contributes to a resilient place by including a rich and layered, place-based planting approach with biodiversity creation a key principle. The outcome will enhance health and human well-being in the local community, the wider ecosystem of the Wolli Creek and Sydney’s overall ecological network.
Kris Petersen, Senior Landscape Architect, GHD Design

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