Emergency Response

Facility managers and asset owners face complex challenges in the event of unforeseen environmental incidents and natural disasters.
GHD first emergency response team
Rapid response requires a unique understanding of regulatory, technical, and logistical requirements. Our dedicated emergency response team offers a comprehensive range of emergency and disaster management services to meet these challenges.
Rapid response requires a unique understanding of regulatory, technical, and logistical requirements. Our dedicated emergency response team offers a comprehensive range of emergency and disaster management services to meet these challenges.
fire at a chemical plant

Our multidisciplinary Emergency Response team assists both private and public sector companies through the full life cycle of emergency and natural disaster events - from initial planning and physical response through to crisis management and business continuity.

GHD has more than 25 years experience in handling a wide-range of emergency and disaster event scenarios and has successfully executed projects throughout the Australia and New Zealand, as well as the USA and Canada.

We help our clients respond to environmental incidents, identify and prepare for issues likely to arise in the event of a failure or natural disaster, assist in implementing planning measures in key operational areas to mitigate impacts from an incident and to minimize exposure to future liability.

Our team provides emergency and disaster management services for a range of sites includes industrial facilities, road and rail infrastructure, pipelines and related critical utility infrastructure, as well as, buildings and other related infrastructure.

Services include:

  • Delivering training and planning functions for emergency or disaster events (including digital simulators)
  • Rapid spill response assessments (within 24hrs) and associated remediation works (including digital tools such as UAVs and virtual reality tools)
  • Safety inspections and critical infrastructure failure analyses
  • Structural integrity assessments following natural disaster events
  • Engineering rectification works following events
  • Predictive and post incident impact monitoring, modelling (air dispersion, flood, pollutant fate and transport) and data collection
  • Stakeholder engagement and outrage management services prior to, during and following events
  • Risk and financial liability assessment
  • Business contingency planning
  • Incident command system (ICS) management
  • Risk assessment and toxicology
  • Risk liability management
  • Short-term and long-term action plan development
  • Spatial sciences

We have demonstrated the cost and timeframe benefits of being able to offer agile, rapid turn key solutions capitalising on our geographic reach across the cities and the regions alongside established strategic client, regulator and government relationships, which have resulted in innovative solutions under what is often time-poor and resource-restricted conditions during emergency and natural disaster events.

Easy and rapid access to engineering and environmental specialists with incident command centre and response experience has resulted in supporting clients through emergencies and disasters to substantially improve their ability to meet and recover from an unwanted event.

GHD FIRST 24 Hour Emergency Response:
  • US: +1 866 812 9565
  • Canada: +1 800 679 9082



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