The redevelopment of the main beach terrace and embankments to the iconic Cottesloe Beach, allowed for universal access to the iconic foreshore area.
The Cottesloe main beach area was previously a place with limited access causing the local community dissatisfaction. The purpose of the project was to provide a path allowing all users of the beach a safe transition between the beach, amenity areas and Marine Parade.
This was achieved through the design of a ramped access path (1:14 slope) cutting through a series of “bathing” terraces, each accessible from the path landings. The landings provide an enhanced amenity for lounging and picnics, while facilitating the retention of the slope’s existing trees.
Key challenges included overcoming steep slopes for access, while minimising the impact on the foreshore landscape amenity, including existing mature trees and the use of the slopes for picnics and sun-bathing.
The path not only significantly improves the access and function of the site, it also offers a sympathetic and aesthetically pleasing response which fits into the landform and surrounding landscape setting.
The project has been a resounding success with an accessible environment that benefits the local community and visitors, particularly seniors, people with disabilities and young families.