Keeping our heads (and infrastructure) above water

Author: Lenna Quackenbush
Uncle Tim's Bridge in Cape Cod

At a glance

Climate change is significantly affecting how we safely transport wastewater. With limited funding, how do we prioritise our efforts to reduce risks and protect critical infrastructure against increasingly intense and frequent storms and rising sea levels? 
Climate change is significantly affecting how we safely transport wastewater. With limited funding, how do we prioritise our efforts to reduce risks and protect critical infrastructure against increasingly intense and frequent storms and rising sea levels?

Recently, I had the opportunity to collaborate with a coastal community in the US, with over 85 kilometres of coastline. Due to its unique coastal geography, this area faces a strong likelihood of severe flooding, potentially reaching up to 6.5 metres above sea level. As sea levels continue to rise due to climate change, many residents find themselves in a vulnerable position, especially considering the 1-in-100-year flood event (a 1% annual chance), referred to as the base flood in this article.

While this scenario could describe numerous coastal areas around Aotearoa New Zealand, this example is from my experience working on a project in the Town of Wareham, a coastal community in southeastern Massachusetts, with a population of approximately 20,000. Although in a different country, the approach to evaluate and prioritise both the risks and mitigation measures can be universally applied.

The US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) produces flood maps that identify zones with a 1% base flood and a 0.02% annual chance of flooding. These maps are periodically updated based on the latest flood projection models. 

In many coastal communities, wastewater infrastructure once considered safe is now facing increased risk due to revised flood projections. Anticipated sea level rise is expected to further elevate flood risks in future years."

One particularly vulnerable area is the low-lying coastal town of Wareham, Massachusetts. The town is nestled around the coastal estuaries of Buzzards Bay, which creates several throttling points where strong waves are anticipated to develop from Atlantic Ocean storms. Wareham’s wastewater infrastructure, typically located at the lowest elevations, is especially at risk under the most recent base flood projections.

To assess the status of vulnerable coastal wastewater infrastructure, it’s important to first determine the safe elevation for these facilities, known as the Design Flood Elevation (DFE). The DFE is based on a number of factors, including the base flood elevation, a required minimum freeboard and other factors such as projected sea level rise.

Most of Wareham’s pump stations are situated in areas vulnerable to base floods, with risks heightened by inundation and exacerbated by anticipated sea level rise due to climate change. Out of the town’s 43 pump stations, 29 are located within the Special Flood Hazard Area. Additionally, the infrastructure and multiple pump stations outside of these flood zones rely on vulnerable stations to transport wastewater to the Wastewater Treatment Facility. Many of these outlying pump stations route wastewater through up to four other pump stations, many of which are in the vulnerable zones.

The anticipated impacts from the base flood ranged from minimal damage to inundation, which could render a pump station inoperable. With so many pump stations in vulnerable positions, a pragmatic prioritisation methodology needed to be developed.

A Risk and Vulnerability Assessment was developed using the risk and consequence approach outlined in “Risk Analysis and Management for Critical Asset Protection (RAMCAP®), a document commonly referred to as “J100”.

Flood risk is calculated for each pump station based on the expected monetary total loss for vulnerable infrastructure for both Wareham and its residents. J-100 defines flood risk as a combination of two factors: The likelihood of a specific natural disaster and the total estimated loss that can be anticipated from the disaster. While determining the likelihood is reasonably simple, being equivalent to the base flood, the calculation of loss involves a more complex process.

J-100 defines total loss as the “sum of repair and replacement costs and losses due to lost production capability and other first effects”.

Due to the lack of readily available data, we couldn’t proceed with the complex and costly modelling required by the Hazards United States (HAZUS) process. Instead, we opted for a Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) using the BCA 5.1 software, produced by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

The following are some of the key assumptions made for wastewater infrastructure in a base flood event: 

  1. Once flood water has entered the base floor of the structure, all electrical components are at risk. Specifically, for pump stations with wet/dry well configurations, the pumps are vulnerable to damage.  
  2. The project evaluated whether existing structures were designed to withstand the hydrostatic pressure from flooding. It was found that if the pressure on an unreinforced masonry wall is greater than 75 cm, the integrity of the structure is compromised.  
  3. For stations positioned downstream from important facilities like fire departments, police stations, or hospitals, it was assumed that these essential services would face operational challenges if the wastewater services were disrupted.  
  4. The monthly displacement costs were estimated for each pump station. This takes into account the number of people dependent on that pump station and all sewer sheds upstream that would be affected if the pump station was not operational. 
Cape Cod 01

Anticipated costs to Wareham included the replacement of damaged or destroyed equipment and loss of essential services (such as hospitals, police stations, or fire department services) while the station is inoperable. Costs facing residents include impact to natural resources, relocation costs during sewer service disruptions and the expenses incurred during clean-up efforts.

The Vulnerability Assessment provided Wareham with an approach to prioritise numerous projects aimed at increasing coastal resilience. As a result, Wareham has embarked on resilience upgrades for three of its most vulnerable stations – each serving essential services. These upgrades include raising exterior entry points above the DFE, installing an internal structural steel bracing system to shore up walls, using carbon fibre to structurally enhance reinforced masonry, installing flood proof doors and flood planks, relocating vulnerable portions of the infrastructure and installing bypass connections at the stations.

Conducting a ‘Risk and Vulnerability Assessment’ was an important step in helping Wareham determine which coastal resilience projects to tackle first amidst a sea of pressing wastewater infrastructure needs.


This case study serves as an example of how communities, both in the US and Aotearoa New Zealand, can assess risks and prioritise mitigation strategies. Despite limited budgets and numerous priorities, a cost-effective and practical approach can significantly enhance the protection of critical wastewater infrastructure against the escalating threats posed by more severe and frequent storms and rising sea levels.
