Ipswich Hospital 1

Expanding healthcare facilities at Ipswich Hospital

Ipswich, Queensland, Australia

Client: Queensland Health

Sector: Health and Wellbeing

An expansion of Ipswich Hospital aimed to fulfill a government commitment of extending and improving paediatric and emergency services within the community. 

At a glance

An expansion of Ipswich Hospital aimed to fulfill a government commitment of extending and improving paediatric and emergency services within the community. 

The challenge
Undertaking a substantial brownfield redevelopment entails various risks, encompassing new constructions, refurbishments across multiple sites and ensuring uninterrupted hospital operations within the existing building areas. To effectively mitigate these risks, the project was executed through a Managing Contractor model. Our involvement commenced with Queensland Health, overseeing the schematic design and subsequently transitioning to Lendlease under novation progressing through to construction.
Our response

As Principal Consultant, our services included health planning, architecture and interior design. Services extended to the significant refurbishment and expansion of the Emergency Department, enhanced and expanded Maternity services, additional critical care beds, new medical / surgical IPU, additional medical imaging services and increased capacity of support services.

The project also addresses several off-campus facilities to supplement the growth of the hospital, including the relocation of Oral Health Services and the development of a new multi-storey 325 space carpark.

The project promotes environmental, social and economic sustainability principles in a health setting through a focused approach to staff and patient wellbeing.

The impact
The new works and upgrades provide extended and improved healthcare services across the new facilities at Ipswich Hospital.
Ipswich Hospital 2
Ipswich Hospital 1
Ipswich Hospital 5

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