Willow run creek site - Michigan

North America
Willow run creek

At a glance

The Willow Run Creek Site involved the remediation of over 340,000 cubic yards of polychlorinated biphenyl impacted sediments and soil. GHD developed a program of pre-design studies, including pilot-scale dredging/dewatering studies, to determine the optimal method of sediment removal and processing.

The Willow Run Creek Site involved the remediation of over 340,000 cubic yards of polychlorinated biphenyl impacted sediments and soil. GHD developed a program of pre-design studies, including pilot-scale dredging/dewatering studies, to determine the optimal method of sediment removal and processing.

The challenge

The selected remedy involved dewatering of the work area, water treatment, and solidification of the sediments to provide the necessary strength for placement in a site-dedicated consolidation disposal facility (CDF). The CDF was designed to meet stringent Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste disposal facility standards. 

Our response

Under an agreement between the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the State of Michigan, the project was completed on an expedited basis. Pre-design and design activities were completed in 13 months.  Construction was completed over the following three years. Several different material handling approaches were utilized across the site based on the varying material characteristics. Work areas within the creek were isolated utilizing sheet piling, and material was removed by conventional dry excavation and mechanical dredging.

The impact

Restoration activities included 12 acres of wetland mitigation. Soil excavated during the creation of the fish spawning habitat on the Huron River was beneficially reused on another remediation project located nearby, reducing the cost and the carbon footprint of both projects.