Oil and Gas

Every stage in the lifecycle of the an oil or gas asset presents complex multi-discipline challenges and requires multi-criteria decision processes.
Oil, Gas, and Chemical Facility
Being able to tap into all the required experience and skills with a minimum of interfaces is a great enabler. When that team knows what to do and how and when to do it, it creates efficiencies and value from the first engagement.
Being able to tap into all the required experience and skills with a minimum of interfaces is a great enabler. When that team knows what to do and how and when to do it, it creates efficiencies and value from the first engagement.
oil and gas turbulent pipes

Climate change, potential obsolescence and extended market oversupply and pricing pressures have accelerated innovation and focus changes through the Oil and Gas industry that broadly brings liquid and gaseous fuels from fossil fuels or renewable sources to the point of use.

Alternative fuels including hydrogen are now a common part of the project slate as is extending the life of ageing fossil fuel assets and debottlenecking systems once thought to be at maximum capacity.

These industries can have a major impact on the economies of their respective countries and require the management of significant hazards to provide positive societal impacts and outcomes for the proponents. Projects are often large and complex and require specialist engineering and project management skills. They typically include upstream production facilities, processing facilities, long-distance pipelines, storage, and loading terminals.

GHD's multi-disciplinary teams of experienced engineers can deliver the services to optimize oil and gas project outcomes, across the entire supply chain and life cycle of assets. These same teams also formed a foundation from which GHD's bio-fuel and hydrogen services have grown, drawing on both the rigor expected and necessary in the Oil and Gas sector and supplemented with specialist skills in hydrogen and production and upgrading of oils generated from non-fossil fuel feedstock. Services include:


  • Conceptual studies
  • FEED & detailed design
  • Operational and debottlenecking technical support
  • Process hazard management (for example HAZOP, SIL, Functional Safety, LOPA, QRA, Consequence Modelling)
  • Project management
  • EPCM services

Engaging our team for your oil and gas projects brings the additional advantage of direct access to many other support services such as environment and regulatory support, stakeholder management, asset and integrity management, due diligence services and geotechnical, hydrogeological and water treatment specialists.

Industries served

  • Alternative & renewable fuel, including hydrogen, processes
  • Natural gas production & processing to sales gas quality
  • Coal seam gas (CSG)/Coal bed methane (CBM) gathering, field compression & saline water disposal
  • Unconventional gas development e.g. shale gas, mine ventilation gas
  • High pressure gas transmission pipelines including compression facilities
  • Gas metering & regulator stations
  • Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) facilities
  • Bulk gas storage facilities (storage pipelines and caverns)
  • Crude oil production & refining
  • Fuel storage terminals
  • Utility systems
  • Other high hazard process plants, Major Hazard Facilities (MHFs) and/or pipeline industries

GHD uses the Aspentech suite of process design tools (including Hysys, AspenPlus and EDR), FlowTran for rigourous pipeline and compression transient modelling, PHAST for consequence and risk modelling and a range of other design documentation tools. Most of our FEED and detailed design projects are produced in a 3D environment.



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