eSolutions Group becomes GHD Digital

GHD Digital rebrands eSolutionsGroup Limited to GHD Digital (Canada) Limited
eSolutionsGroup, a company that has provided digital solutions for the public sector for 25 years, will begin operating under the GHD Digital brand on 6 June 2022. GHD acquired the company in 2014 to expand its digital offerings to critical government and infrastructure sectors but continued operating under the eSolutions brand. In 2018, GHD launched GHD Digital, a business dedicated to innovation and digital transformation.

eSolutionsGroup, a company that has provided digital solutions for the public sector for 25 years, will begin operating under the GHD Digital brand on 6 June 2022. GHD acquired the company in 2014 to expand its digital offerings to critical government and infrastructure sectors but continued operating under the eSolutions brand. In 2018, GHD launched GHD Digital, a business dedicated to innovation and digital transformation.

Integrating eSolutions’ offerings into the GHD Digital brand ensures that public sector clients benefit from reduced costs with process automation, better business decisions through advanced analytics and artificial intelligence, and digital transformation strategies to help deliver a first-class citizen experience.
While our name is changing, our dedication and commitment to our clients and the citizens and communities they serve, is not.
Ali Carden, Global Practice Director - Products and Platforms, GHD Digital

A recent GHD Digital survey found that 75 percent of Canadian citizens prefer to access their city services through a website or mobile phone, while only 14 percent prefer in-person services.

"Integrating eSolutions fully into the GHD Digital brand will ensure we respond to our clients’ changing needs during these turbulent times,” said Kumar Parakala, president of GHD Digital, “This next step represents boundless opportunities for us to co-create digital solutions that reach the heart of communities."

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Acerca de GHD

GHD es una empresa líder de servicios profesionales que opera en los mercados mundiales de agua, energía y recursos, medio ambiente, infraestructura y edificaciones, y transporte. Comprometidos con la visión de lograr que el agua, la energía y las comunidades sean sostenibles para las futuras generaciones, GHD ofrece soluciones en asesoría, servicios digitales, de ingeniería, arquitectura, medio ambiente y para la construcción a clientes del sector público y privado. Fundada en 1928 y propiedad de sus trabajadores, GHD cuenta con una red de más de 11.000 profesionales conectados en más de 160 oficinas en cinco continentes.