NAVFAC Southwest Selects GHD-COWI JV for $49 Million Task Order in Support of Pacific Deterrence Initiative
On March 6, 2024, the GHD-COWI Joint Venture (JV) was awarded a $27+ million modification to a previously awarded task order for the Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Southwest in San Diego, California. This award brings the total cumulative face value of the task order to $49+ million.
The JV team will provide architectural, engineering and environmental services to support U.S. Navy construction projects in Yap, Federated States of Micronesia, and in the Republic of Palau. Work will be performed by the JV’s offices across the globe.
“This additional award to our current NAVFAC task order is a true testament to the expertise and experience that GHD, and COWI, bring to this strategic project which directly supports the U.S. Pacific Deterrence Initiative (PDI). Our ongoing work with this and other PDI-related projects demonstrate the U.S.’s commitment to support our allies in the Indo-Pacific region and to bring economic prosperity to these island nations by modernizing their port facilities and infrastructure,” said Tony Petroccitto, U.S. Navy Global Client Leader at GHD.
GHD has more than 70 years of experience in this part of the world through partnerships with local governments to successfully execute work in such remote tropical environments that respect and adapt to Pacific Island cultures. With over 5,000 staff in the Indo-Pacific region and over 11,000 worldwide, we have successfully delivered both local and U.S. Federal Government projects in areas such as Fiji, Vanuatu, Guam, Saipan, the Philippines and Hawaii.
Read more about how GHD is supporting U.S. military priorities in the Indo-Pacific Region.
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Acerca de GHD
GHD es una empresa líder de servicios profesionales que opera en los mercados mundiales de agua, energía y recursos, medio ambiente, infraestructura y edificaciones, y transporte. Comprometidos con la visión de lograr que el agua, la energía y las comunidades sean sostenibles para las futuras generaciones, GHD ofrece soluciones en asesoría, servicios digitales, de ingeniería, arquitectura, medio ambiente y para la construcción a clientes del sector público y privado. Fundada en 1928 y propiedad de sus trabajadores, GHD cuenta con una red de más de 11.000 profesionales conectados en más de 160 oficinas en cinco continentes.