GHD Publishes Reconciliation Plan for Canada

GHD MAJ honouring the sacred - Canadian RAP
Mark Anthony Jacobson - Anishinaabe master artist
At GHD, our unwavering commitment to Reconciliation and Indigenous rights is intertwined with our sustainability journey.

At GHD, we understand sustainability is not just an ideal but a necessity. We are deeply committed to minimizing our environmental footprint, promoting social well-being, and creating resilient communities. Through our projects and initiatives, we aim to address climate change, preserve natural resources, and promote a circular economy.

Our unwavering commitment to Reconciliation and Indigenous rights is intertwined with our sustainability journey. We recognize the importance of respecting and preserving the traditional knowledge, cultural heritage, and land rights of Indigenous Peoples. By actively engaging and partnering with Indigenous communities, we aim to incorporate their perspectives into our sustainability initiatives, fostering a more inclusive and equitable approach.

Our commitment to advance Reconciliation

Our response to Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Call to Action 92 is founded on respect for Indigenous Rights, interests, values, and worldviews.  We recognize the fundamental aspects of this through listening, learning, and collaborating.

Our Reconciliation journey will involve educating employees on the true history of Canada and engaging Indigenous Peoples early and often throughout project development projects.

The following three pillars outline the commitments we believe will help us reach these outcomes and advance Reconciliation.

drawn artistic arrow - RAP Canada

Pillar 1 Meaningful Engagement

Engage and foster meaningful relationships with Indigenous Peoples, apply Indigenous knowledge and values to our work wherever possible.

Pillar 2 Equitable Employment

Create a diverse and inclusive work culture through Indigenous employment, advancement, and career development.

Pillar 3 Cultural Discovery

Promote empathy for and an understanding of Indigenous cultures and histories, including the past and ongoing harm caused by colonial systems. 

hill and pine trees draw - RAP Canada

The entire GHD team seeks to find common goals for mutual benefit that allow all of us to flourish together for generations to come.

Our commitment extends beyond projects; it encompasses social equity, the preservation of Indigenous cultures, and the well-being of Indigenous Peoples and their communities. Through collaboration, respect, and transparency, we aim to co-create solutions that address historical injustices, honour Indigenous rights and knowledge, and empower communities to thrive, building strong and trusting relationships.

GHD's vision becomes reality when Reconciliation action is embedded into our practices, creating a safer and more inclusive world for future generations of Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada.

Our RAP Advisory Committee

abstract artistic draw - RAP Canada

To ensure our actions align with the experiences and insights of our employees, we have established a RAP Advisory Committee comprised of individuals from our Indigenous Network Employee Resource Group. This committee includes Indigenous people as well as allies who have direct connections with Indigenous communities through projects or personal commitments.

Canada's Reconciliation Action Plan

Land acknowledgement

We respectfully acknowledge that GHD operates across the land we know today as Canada, the traditional, treaty, and unceded territories of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit. 

We acknowledge the sacred and reciprocal relationships of Indigenous Peoples with the land since time immemorial. We respect their stewardship, shaped by their worldviews and Traditional Knowledge and Laws.

We pay our respects to the Elders from coast to coast, past, present, and future, as they hold both sacred memories and knowledge for all to learn from.

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Acerca de GHD

GHD es una empresa líder de servicios profesionales que opera en los mercados mundiales de agua, energía y recursos, medio ambiente, infraestructura y edificaciones, y transporte. Comprometidos con la visión de lograr que el agua, la energía y las comunidades sean sostenibles para las futuras generaciones, GHD ofrece soluciones en asesoría, servicios digitales, de ingeniería, arquitectura, medio ambiente y para la construcción a clientes del sector público y privado. Fundada en 1928 y propiedad de sus trabajadores, GHD cuenta con una red de más de 11.000 profesionales conectados en más de 160 oficinas en cinco continentes.